Holiday Countdown
Let the count down begin, another holiday is on the way!
Advent calendars can be a fun way to count down to any holiday or special event. They can be for persons from all faiths and completely customized to be as elaborate or simple as desired. They are a great way to ensure some special family time is carved out each day during this busy season. They are also helpful in teaching young children the concept of time, patience and counting. Now, if your interested in doing this with your kiddos, it's not too late to get your together!
If your short on crafty ideas or looking for inspiration definitely head to the go to for all things crafty... Pinterest, while your there follow me on Pinterest and see all the crafty fun I have pinned!
If your short on crafty ideas or looking for inspiration definitely head to the go to for all things crafty... Pinterest, while your there follow me on Pinterest and see all the crafty fun I have pinned!
Idea #1-Since my kiddos are little, I like to make our advents fun and family oriented. One year, I decided to wrap Christmas/Winter themed storybooks and each night the boys got to open one and we read it for bedtime. Our Christmas/Winter theme book library is limited so I decided to make it a 12 day advent.
Idea #2-For a fun crafty advent, I had my oldest paint a 22 x 28 poster board cut out Christmas Tree shape, green with finger paint. I cut out 25 different shaped ornaments from the leftover poster board scraps. Each day I would give him a cut out ornament shape to "decorate" using crayons, glitter & glue, paint, etc. something different each night. Once he was done decorating the cut out, we would place it on the painted green cut out tree, saving the star cut out for last.
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