About Me

Nov 04

I'm a Playgroup Junkie!
I love when people ask me what I do for a living, because I get to tell them, "I play all day." I'm a Stay At Home Mom to two little boys, who keep me busy, busy, busy. I'm the Organizer for a local metro Detroit area playgroup, which was started when my first born was just 9 months old and I also facilitate an art group for the kids within our playgroup. I love our playgroup and all the friends we've made through the years, it really is the greatest resource parents can have.

I'm always looking for fun things to do around town and love sharing my finds with all our friends. I personally try to keep a tight budget, I use coupons and look for deals and when it comes to entertainment, there's no exception. I was in shock the first time I took the kids out for a day of fun and games. The cost rivaled the bill for a night out with my husband, except it wasn't a romantic dinner and a movie, it was an hour at a playplace and a cafe lunch. So, I started scouring the neighboring cities, libraries, museums, and stores, anywhere that I thought would hold fun public events, and was surprised to find out there's a lot of free events available for all ages. After sharing all these great events with friends, I'd hear "How do you find all these great events and freebies!?" so I decided to put it out in the blog-sphere for those everyone else to enjoy. It's so great how many fun events and educational programs are available, and it's amazing how many of these events are FREE!

I plan on sharing my great frugal entertainment finds, along with fun ideas, and simple art projects you can do with your kiddos on those rainy, snowy, sleet covered days you just can't get out of the house. I hope this blog becomes a great resource for you and your family to spend quality time together without breaking the bank.
The Playgroup Junkie

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The Playgroup Junkie

The Playgroup Junkie
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